Why take or teach logrolling?
Log rolling helps students, both adults and children, grow in a number of ways: focus, self-confidence, strength, and endurance. It teaches balance and quick feet. Recent studies completed at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse in the Masters of Science in Clinical Exercise Physiology show the cardiovascular benefits of logrolling. Students are physically active and have fun. They learn history and set goals for themselves. There are always new goals and victories, both personal and competitive to be attained. One of the greatest things about log rolling is regardless of your level there is always a new goal to be achieved and small victories to be had.
If you have a new facility or are looking for ways to provide recreational activities that are outside of the box log rolling is a great option. Further, log rolling can be a revenue generating program for your facility. Log rolling programs can be found across the country and are rapidly spreading to new Aquatic Facilities.
KRICK, LLC offers a Log Rolling Instructor Training DVD and a Log Rolling Instructor Training manual. A preview of the movie can be seen herein.
The Log Rolling Instructor Training Video is the product of more than 50 combined years of teaching log rolling. In creating the Instructor Training Video, common teaching concepts used to train Lifeguards and Swim Instructors were applied. The goal of the video is to enable any person with knowledge of teaching motor skills to start and maintain a program that will greatly enhance the aquatics programs at his/her facility.
Click here to order your Instructor Training Materials.